1號及3號颱風信號 / 黃色及紅色暴雨警告:中心照常開放。
8號或以上颱風信號 / 黑色暴雨警告生效期間,中心暫停開放,所有約見將會取消。
※ 如天文台於下午2時正或之前解除8號颱風信號 / 黑色暴雨警告,本中心會於警告除下的2小時後開放。所有約見將如常進行。
※ 如天文台於下午2時後解除 8號颱風信號 / 黑色暴雨警告,當天所有約見將會取消。
Severe Weather Arrangement
CMCG opens as usual when Amber / Red Rainstorm Warning or Typhoon Warning Signal 3 is in force.
When Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or above or BLACK Rainstorm Warning is in force, CMCG will be closed.
※ If the warning signal is cancelled at or before 2 p.m, CMCG will resume service in 2 hours after the warning signal is cancelled.
※ If the warning signal is issued or still in force after 2 p.m., all appointments scheduled on that date will be cancelled. Appointments will be rescheduled free of charge.